Impress Dental

How to double dental patients while cutting marketing costs

How to double dental patients while lowering marketing expenditures

Competition in the dental industry is high and marketing campaigns have become a requisite for many brands to succeed. We are aware of how costly marketing campaigns are. Therefore, we have decided to share a list of low-cost marketing strategies to help businesses with limited budgets double their clientele while cutting marketing costs. 


Strategies to cut down marketing costs

1. Conduct a marketing audit 

The first thing you should do is conduct a marketing audit. In other words, a marketing audit assesses how much money you spend on marketing and identifies unnecessary strategies.

First, create a list with all the expenses so it will be easier to find out if you are overspending. The length of this list may vary depending on the company’s size as start-ups and small businesses usually only have one person in charge of all marketing activities. 

2. Redefine your target audience

Make sure you collect and analyse data from time to time to redefine your target audience. This is key if you do not want to see yourself wasting time and money on a useless marketing campaign. Knowing who has an interest in your services and their main characteristics is fundamental to maximise your investment. 

Redefine the target audience

Redefining the target audience

3. Use automation tools

Another option to cut down costs is to use automation tools. These tools are great at offering continuous client support. Therefore, add chatbots to your website and install auto-responding features to reduce the number of hours employees should allocate to customer service. 

4. Update and promote the content 

With all the money you have spent on marketing so far, you are likely to have a lot of old marketing content collecting dust. Update that content and promote it. Check what worked well and what didn’t the first time you shared it and make changes accordingly. Tonnes of content are shared daily, so barely anyone will remember if your content has been previously posted. 

5. Focus on referral marketing 

Many dentists do not pay attention to referral marketing, but it has been proven to be one of the most effective forms of marketing. Just in case you do not know what referral marketing is, it is a word-of-mouth initiative designed by a business to incentivise current customers to introduce their family, friends, and contacts to become new customers. The best thing to encourage existing clients to refer the dental practice to their contacts is to provide them with excellent service. Additionally, you can offer them loyalty discounts or freebies. 


After reading this blog, you may know some useful strategies to reduce marketing costs. Hence, start with your marketing strategy and implement video in your dental marketing. If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Thank you for reading,



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